Home : Cleaning : Bathroom Cleaning : Shower head. How to clean your shower head

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Shower head. How to clean your shower head

If your shower is spitting instead of spraying, try this. Soak the shower head in hot vinegar. Heat the vinegar, not quite to boiling, and pour it into a container and place the the shower head in the vinegar and let it soak for 10 - 12 hours, then rinse vigorously in hot water. As an extra measure, take a very thin wire and poke each hole before rinsing.

Visitors comments

Any alternative to vinegar? Comments By: njd on 2007-04-10
I had a bottle with spray (plant spray type) - filled with a solution of vinegar and water - and used it to clean/scrub my shower screen. Vinegar is alright but I don't rate it as all that long-lasting. One day I knocked over that plastic bottle and it broke and vinegar went everywhere! Since then, the bathroom smells of .. vinegar. Surely there is a more fragrant clean-smelling solution than vinegar ?? Though I will try heating some (can this be done in the microwave?)
lemon juice works just as well as vinegar but smells better Comments By: steph on 2007-07-11
I had heard the vinegar trick, but I don't like the smell of it myself, especially when it's heated up (like in this tip).

Put concentrated lemon juice into a plastic bag and tie it onto the shower head with a rubber band. Let it sit for about an hour (longer if you've got the time, it won't hurt) and then run hot water through your shower. You'll find that it will clean off the hard water and lime and will leave your washroom smelling like lemons. (the wire poker works as well if you find you need it after the soak)


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