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Cleaning wooden chairs

Do you have an old wood dining set where the backs of the chairs seem to be a bit gummy and your shirt will stick to them?

You can clean this easily. To remove the gummy accumulation on wood furniture which is there because of too much polish, dirt and grease, wash the backs of the chair with hot water with 3-tablespoons linseed oil and 1-tablespoon turpentine mixed in one quart of hot water. 

Rub the furniture with a soft cloth or towel that you wring out. Polish with a clean dry cloth and no more oil!

Visitors comments

Had to wax Comments By: Vicky on 2010-07-07
The cleaning solution was excellent. (Remove any padding & material) I used 4X steel wool to clean 6 dining room chairs with the solution. But I then had to use 4X steel wool w/Butcher's Wax to smooth out, polish and cover all blemishes. They came out like brand new.

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