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Motor oil. Tips to remove Motor oil stains on upholstery

Dirty motor oil is a difficult mess to get out of your upholstery, but here are the best cleaning tips so you can get out that motor oil in your upholstery.  Be sure to always try and tackle a stain while it is fresh.  The older the stain, the more times you may need to repeat these cleaning processes to work out that motor oil stain.

The first thing that you should do when face with an motor oil stain on your upholstery is to blot the area, getting all the moisture that you can out of the upholstery so that you are going to focus on the stain only. Keep repeating this until the area seems almost dry.

Wet a paper towel or cotton ball using rubbing alcohol and dab this on the motor oil stain.  Repeat, blotting up the stain with a clean towel as you dab with alcohol between.  Repeat this cleaning as long as you see some of the stain still coming out of the upholstery.

The step is to make a mixture of water and clear bleach free detergent or dish liquid and spray over the stained area.  Wetting the fabric just enough to loosen more of the oil stain, blot and dab at the stained area until you have cleaned the area, or until you are unable to bring out any additional motor oil stain.

Rinse the upholstery with clear water, removing both traces of the motor oil and the detergent used to clean this stain. Spray it on, blot and dab to remove the excessive moisture without stretching the upholstery.  It should be almost dry to the touch when you are finished blotting the area.

Rinse the area well with a mixture of water and vinegar. A half and half mixture, sprayed on, then blotted off is going to get out deep down motor oil stains, and detergent at the same time.

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