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Tar. Tips to remove Tar stains on upholstery

When you find a difficult stain or accident on your upholstery like tar, you need to act quickly if it is still wet. These tips will help when the stain is dry, but it takes a little more time to work out that stain. 

Blot to soak up any excess liquid or scrape off any soft tar that is on your upholstery. Using a butter knife or a soft plastic spoon will help you scrape off the excess without pulling on the material too much. 

Using a cotton ball or paper towel wet your cotton ball with a bit of rubbing alcohol or dry cleaning solution. Do not pour either of these items directly on to the upholstery, just blot and dab at the stain until the entire stain has been lifted. You should use a dropper and put very small amounts of the alcohol or the dry cleaning solution on the stain, but do not make the filler in the upholstery too wet. 

If you find that the stain still is on the upholstery, wet a paper towel with water and dab at the stained area. Once you have wet or semi wet the stained area, use your paper towel and dab at the area with detergent. 

Use a clean, bleach free liquid detergent on your paper towel, dab at the stain and work out the stain. Blot the area to bring out moisture and repeat as long as you are bringing out more of the stain on the When you find a difficult stain or accident on your upholstery like tar, you need to act quickly if it is still wet. These tips will help when the stain is dry, but it takes a little more time to work out that stain. 

Blot to soak up any excess liquid or scrape off any soft tar that is on your upholstery. Using a butter knife or a soft plastic spoon will help you scrape off the excess without pulling on the material too much. 

Using a cotton ball or paper towel wet your cotton ball with a bit of rubbing alcohol or dry cleaning solution. Do not pour either of these items directly on to the upholstery, just blot and dab at the stain until the entire stain has been lifted. You should use a dropper and put very small amounts of the alcohol or the dry cleaning solution on the stain, but do not make the filler in the upholstery too wet. 

If you find that the stain still is on the upholstery, wet a paper towel with water and dab at the stained area. Once you have wet or semi wet the stained area, use your paper towel and dab at the area with detergent. 

Use a clean, bleach free liquid detergent on your paper towel, dab at the stain and work out the stain. Blot the area to bring out moisture and repeat as long as you are bringing out more of the stain on the upholstery. 

Be sure to rinse the stained area well with water, bringing out all suds. Spray on the water, and blot off, try not to over wet the upholstery while cleaning. 

After rinsing the suds from the stain area, be sure to rinse the upholstery with a solution of water and vinegar, (half and half, using clear white vinegar). Spray this lightly over the upholstery and blot off moisture. If you have acetic acid, you could rinse the upholstery with this in place of the vinegar.. 

Be sure to rinse the stained area well with water, bringing out all suds. Spray on the water, and blot off, try not to over wet the upholstery while cleaning. 

After rinsing the suds from the stain area, be sure to rinse the upholstery with a solution of water and vinegar, (half and half, using clear white vinegar). Spray this lightly over the upholstery and blot off moisture. If you have acetic acid, you could rinse the upholstery with this in place of the vinegar.

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