Home : Laundry and Stains : Stains : A to Z of Stains : Mayonnaise : Mayonnaise stains on clothes and fabrics

Mayonnaise. Tips to remove Mayonnaise stains on clothes and fabrics

Mayonnaise is similar to an oil stain when you get it on your clothes or on fabrics. When possible treating the stain as soon as it happens is going to give you the best overall results in saving your fabric from a mayonnaise stain.

Scraping the area with a butter knife or similar dull object is going to get the majority of the mayonnaise off the fabric and you can focus just on the stain itself. Be sure not to rub the mayonnaise further not making the stain larger if possible.

Use a pre treatment stain stick or spray on the mayonnaise stain so that it can penetrate and work on the oils in the fibers.

Apply some clear bleach free laundry detergent over the stained area and rub this in with your fingers. This will work out the stain from fibers. Rinse in a bucket or sink of warm water getting all the detergents out.

Let the item air dry and inspect to see if the stain is all gone. When the stain is gone, you can launder as usual. 

If the stain is still evident in the fabric, turn the over so that the fabric is stain side down on a paper towel.  Apply a few drops of dry cleaning fluid to the stained area and the stain will surely leave the fabric. Let this dry and launder again for a great clean!

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