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Nail Polish. Tips to remove Nail Polish stains on carpets
Women and girls everywhere love to paint their nails. If you find a few drops of nail polish or that a bottle of nail polish has been spilled on your carpeting, use these tips to get out that nail polish stain. If the nail polish is still wet, try to scrape up as much of the paint off the carpeting as you can. Scrape towards the rest of the stain so you don’t pull the nail polish further out making the stain larger. After you have scraped up much of the nail polish, blot the stain using a paper towel without pushing the paint further in the carpeting but just picking up any remaining liquid on the top surface of the carpeting. Using a non-oil nail polish remover wet your paper towel and dab this on the paint stain. Do not pour the nail polish remover on the carpet, just wet your towel and dab the area. Keep doing this until you have brought out all the stain, or you are not able to bring up any more stain using this method. You will notice that your cloth will not be colored from the paint when you keep changing what portions of the cloth you are using while cleaning the stained area. To remove the nail polish remover and to work on additional coloring in your carpeting from the nail polish yet, use a clear liquid soap, about a tablespoon and two cups of water. Spray this mixture on the stain and dab the moisture back off. Rub the soap into the fibers to bring out additional colors from the nail polish as well as any odors of nail polish remover. Rinse the area using clear water and dab the moisture back up with a clean cloth. This brings out more of the stain, the soap and any residue of the nail polish itself. Do not over wet the carpet but continue to spray and blot until you are not bringing additional soap up. Let the carpet dry and inspect for additional stains. If you find any remaining color in the carpeting spray the carpet with peroxide. Let this sit on the stain for about an hour, spray the stain again and blot up. Repeat until stain is all out of the carpet.