Home : Laundry and Stains : Stains : A to Z of Stains : Rust : Lemon juice and salt

(2) comments about this tip

Lemon juice and salt to remove rust stains

Apply a mixture of lemon juice and salt as a paste over the stained area, and then hang the material out in the sun to dry.

Visitors comments

Great for medium and light stains Comments By: Heidi on 2006-06-29
Great tip! Very effective, but doesn't get out the toughest stains... Fab on light to medium stains, and leaves no trace. The lemon juice doesn't stain the clothes btw, just wash the clothes after you're done.

But this tip was not effective after my mom drycleaned it...*sigh* the hard stains are still stuck on it and I make my jacket undergo this treatment constantly...Still, the stains won't go away. I'm going to try the other tips under "Rust"...

It worked! Comments By: Tonia on 2007-06-24
I had rust stains on my new dress and I tried just about everything including bleach to no avail. Then I saw your website and using the lemon and salt paste method (with a toothbrush) I managed to clean the stain off completely. It's best to leave the paste to soak in and get to work on the stain for maybe an hour. I am so pleased. Thankyou.

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