Nearly every town, or at least in a neighboring town you are going
to find a thrift store, a dollar store or a consignment store. Using your
ability to find a solid buy without spending the high price you are going to be
able to find great gifts here.
For the new homeowner – a set of glasses, mugs, towels, or even a
door mat. These are great gifts that are going to be both used and appreciated.
Without spending loads of money you can use a gift bag and fill it with: light
bulbs, cleaners, note pads, pens, and rags, sponges, tissues, coasters, maybe a
telephone, a night light, or even a few wash clothes for the kitchen. You
don’t have to spend lots of money to create that perfect package that is sure to
be ‘used’.
For the new parents – buying diapers, small toys, a basket of
cleaners, or items that are going to baby proof the home are going to be
appreciated with out spending lots of money. A small lunch box that
doubles as a carry case for bottles is a cheap yet great idea for the new baby.
For the perfect report card – you can create a perfect gift that
is going to keep your child excited about how proud you are. Using a gift
bag, fill it with a few of their favorite candies, a disposable camera, a few
batteries for their favorite toy, a flashlight for playing at night, and maybe
even some fancy gel pens or color pencils that you would have otherwise said no
to buying.
For the coworkers’ special occasion – buying a present for your
coworkers birthday is often a difficult task because you may really not know
them too well, but you can get creative and be successful. Using your
trusty gift bag fill it with items like candles, gels, spritzs and sprays. Or on
the other hand if they are known to carry their lunch often, grab up a bunch of
various sized containers that they can use for soups and sandwiches, maybe even
buying them a new lunch container to keep their goodies cold. For the coworker
that you really don’t know well at all, purchasing items for their office is
always a great idea – a mirror for their wall or desk, a photo holder, a key
chain, a joke of the day calendar, or even a picture for on their wall.
For the sister, mother special occasions – you are going to be
able to get quite creative in this category. Using your gift bag you can
fill it with some of the special things in life that maybe she doesn’t pamper
herself with like: candles, fake flowers or vines for decorating, vases and
glasses to replace worn out ones, special teas and coffee that have added
tastes, boxes of candy that are just her flavor, a special shirt that she can
lounge in the house in, note pads of all sorts, containers of all sorts and
sizes, and any little gadgets for the house that are just for her. Nail polish,
remover, eye liner, toothbrushes, hair conditioning leave in treatment, or even
a box of cards that she can use to send out to others – these are all going to
be great gifts when combined to make one larger gift!
For the brother or father occasions – creating that perfect gift
will seem difficult until you realize how many things that they will really
appreciate! Using your gift bag create a combination of the following,
deck of cards, a few extra dice, a book for phone numbers and email addresses, a
couple of t-shirts that are perfect for working outside on the weekends, a pair
of gloves for those colder months, some beef jerky, some favorite shelled nuts
that he loves, a few puzzles, cool hats with his favorite team, a new electric
razor, some cologne, a pair of boxes that are just to funny to pass up, a couple
books about his favorite hobby, a few more tapes or cassettes for the video
camera – and even a few disposable cameras.
Your creativeness is going to bring out the best in anyone. You
can create that perfect gift bag for anyone in your life without having to spend
lots of money. Useful items, personal items, and items that everyone
enjoys but hardly ever buy for their selves are going to be great ideas!