Home : Health : Diet : Why crash diets don't work

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Loose weight . Tips for dieting and weight loss

Loosing weight the healthy way takes time and patience. Crash diets, however tempting they may sound, are not the answer. Although you may Lose weight initially, the chances are you end up putting it all back on.

Quick-fix and faddy diets don't teach you how to change your eating habit, on a long-term basis, which is what you really need to do if you're going to keep the weight off.

So forget about dieting - think about a whole new way of eating. Successful dieters are those people who learn how to change both their eating habits and attitude towards food permanently.

Visitors comments

It really doenst work Comments By: helpful soul on 2005-01-26
the whole crash dieting thing may sound really like the answer to your dieting problem but it really isnt....ive learned form that... if u do this try stopping not all at once but in portions altho it may seem hard it wil help in the long run ..there are many efects like hair lose, dental problems, heart and muscle failers and finally deaht thisis a thing to break a habti of and i suggest for those who do it get help from friends, family members, or even a docter.

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