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Cleaner you tips Homemade Facial Scrub

This recipe makes a great exfoliating scrub! Easy & Cheap!

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

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First Time User - It felt great! Comments By: Jan C Kidd-Dahn; Upper MI. on 2005-09-20
I wet my face and neck...took about a table spoon of the mix and applied to skin, using circular motions slowly, all over the face and neck. Once it mixed with the water well, it felt like a lubricant, and it felt such like a manufactured scrub, but better. About this time you could feel the smoothness difference of your skin beneath the finger tips. I used it around my eyes very gently, using my ring fingers. Even my eyelids feel smooth. I had my mother touch my skin afterwards, and she couldn't get over how smooth my skin was. Now she wants to try it. She is 85yrs and I am 47yrs. It is an hour an ahalf later, and so far no oil slick. By now my face would normally begin flooding with oil and I have peri/menopause acne. I feel like a adolesent all over again. I have just nice smooth radiant skin. Thank you for making this available online. The recipe makes quite abit. I used a fork to mix. It did a great job. I will get back with you in about a week, and let you know how I feel about it then. 092105.
this stuff is a 10 and counting! Comments By: Jan C Kidd-Dahn; Upper MI. on 2005-09-27
omg...this is wonderful stuff. i would love to meet the person whom created it! my perimenopause acne has healed rapidly and the scar tissue is diminishing just as rapidly. i don't need anymore chemical cleansers, toners, nor moisturizers for. i only need this nifty little recipe with ingrediants from my very own kitchen of pennies on a dime. the only thing i do now, is wet it with warm water to get it activated to make it more plyable. otherwise it is quite rough. and you will feel the difference. both in your hands and on your face. i use it now on other body areas. SOOOOO SOFT. my oil slicks are undercontrol. i use it twice a day. in the moring and at night before bed. and my skin looks clean and healthy all day long, and everyday. feels dewey but not oily. i can't help to periodically touch my face. which is a real no no in keeping bacteria off the face, but i just can't help it. i no longer have oil buildup left on the palm or back of my hand. oil doesn't drain from my eyelids anymore. nor from the skin on the tops of my ears, that drains into the ear canal and form crusties, and irritable buildup, irritation and itchiness. i am with anticipation for someone with normal and dry skin types to try this and see what their results are. i keep talking about it, but the minute i mention my OILY skin, then that is where their intrests stops. TIPKING? I LOVE IT! thank you for having it available on your website! kindest regards. 092805 (sorry for any typos)
i would like to try it! Comments By: Jenny Romulo on 2008-05-25
Wow, your comments are so inviting. I'd really want to try this recipe. I just want to know..is this recipe good for only one use, or as long it is enough? Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon!
Re: Sugar Comments By: Naz Rayner on 2008-10-15
This sounds like a dream come true, please let me know what is the best type of sugar to use.
sugar scrub Comments By: Jeanine on 2008-12-06
I think it wuld be brown sugar as white sugar dissolves too quickly, as a kid I used to lather the soap and add 1t brown sugar used that on my face also hands and feet
WOW! Comments By: Anon on 2009-07-28
My husband was laid off, and I am trying to save money everyway I can. I ran across this recipe. I used brown sugar. It worked great! Thank you so much for this "free" facial scrub!
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