Home : Cleaning : Cleaner home tips : Bottles : Hard to reach bottom?

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Clean any bottle with a hard to reach bottom

Submitted by Holly

If you want to clean a baby bottle (or any bottle with a hard to reach bottom), and you don't have a bottle brush, simply pour in a handful of uncooked rice. Add 1/2 cup of water, put on the lid and shake.

The rice works as a light abrasive cleaner and does a good job cleaning the hard to reach areas.

Visitors comments

another bottle cleaning method for more difficult cases Comments By: alan on 2009-01-17
Cut a piece of electrical flex into sections about 2 inches long and swirl them around with some bleach in the bottle. If success is not immediate leave it for a couple of hours to give the bleach more time to attack the stains and then do some more swirling.

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