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Refrigerator refreshers. Make your own Refrigerator refreshers

These will keep your refrigerator smelling clean and work better and quicker than plain baking powder. Buy regular charcoal briquettes and use a hammer or brick to crush them into small chunks.

To make 9 refreshers

  • 8 tablespoons crushed charcoal
  • 8 tablespoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons powdered orange or lemon peel
  • 1 tablespoon ground cloves or cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla essence
  • Old, clean nylon stockings, cut into 2 in/50mm squares 18in/460mm porous, bright-colored fabric (terry cloth, loose-weave cotton, muslin or toweling), cut into 2in/50mm squares
  • String or ribbon, cut into 8in/200mm lengths for tying and hanging

Combine the charcoal, baking powder, citrus peel and cloves in a glass or enamel bowl. Sprinkle on the vanilla essence, stir to mix and leave for 1 hour. Put 2 tablespoons of the mixture in the center of a nylon stocking square and wrap this packet in a fabric square. Tie up the corners with string or ribbon.

To use, tie a packet in an inconspicuous spot in the refrigerator or freezer. For a longer life, add a few more drops of vanilla and 1 teaspoon baking powder after 10-12 weeks.

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