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Jewelry cleaner. Make your own Jewellery cleaner

Use this simple solution to clean your pieces of Jewelry every couple of months. It will keep them sparkling.

To make 1 pint/285ml

  • 1 pint/285ml warm water
  • 3-4 drops washing-up liquid
  • 1 drop household ammonia

Mix the ingredients together in a small bowl. If you are cleaning items that are worn frequently simply soak them in the solution for 1-10 minutes, depending on how heavily tarnished they are. If your item has several crevices or intricate areas then swish it around in the mixture. A toothbrush with soft bristles works especially well for cleaning large items. If you have any hard to reach areas you may find an old mascara brush will help the cleaning process. Rinse and dry with a soil clean cloth. Pour any remaining cleaner into a glass jar, label, cover and store out of children's reach.

Caution Don't soak pearls or other pieces with a closed setting; rub gently with a soil chamois.

Caution Do not combine the cleaner with any substance containing chlorine bleach; together they produce hazardous fumes.

Diamond-cleaning variation If you are cleaning an item that has diamonds then use the following. Mix together 2 floz/60ml warm water and 2 floz/60ml household ammonia in a small bowl. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

Visitors comments

Cleaning gold and diamonds Comments By: Janie Driver on 2009-11-08
I clean my wedding set whenever it needs it by putting it in a small glass with a polident overnight tablet. I let it soak for the night and then use a small, soft toothbrush to get under all the diamonds. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. VIOLA! Looks cleaner and sparklier than the cleaner the jeweler uses!

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