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Dry hair Olive Oil and your hair

I like using olive oil for as a treatment for dry hair. Apply a small amount and then I cover my hair with a showercap and wait about a good 1-2 hours, depending on how dry your hair is, then wash and style as usual.

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HAH Comments By: Anon on 2004-08-12
I think the idea is great, because the oil makes your hair less dry but ends up increasing the chance of gray hairs.
THIS STUFF WORKS! Comments By: VERONICA on 2004-08-28
It Works! Comments By: kimber from Chicago on 2004-10-23
Oh my gosh! My hair is adorable. After one night of olive oil it is amazingly healthy. I put in on, watched real world and wah lah - super hair!
It does work Comments By: Heather on 2004-12-01
This was initially suggested to me by my hairdresser to treat my dry hair. I tried it for the first time this morning and love the results. I will start making this a weekly practice.
Wet hair? Comments By: Doreen on 2005-04-14
Hi sorry to ask this stupid question but do i need to wet my hair before applying the olive oil?

TipKing says: I think that you would apply it when the hair was dry!

To Doreen Comments By: commonsense on 2005-04-24
You are suppose to apply it when your hair is wet not dry.
Oil on dry hair Comments By: Anon on 2005-07-18
You MUST use oil on dry hair so that it gets at the hair immediately. When hair is wet then the oil doesnt cling on. Plus 2-3 hrs is not enough. The longer you wait the better the results. I use oil everyday to style my hair so I know
Say What? Comments By: Tricia on 2005-07-24
How does olive oil give you more gray hairs? Can someone explain this?
Use on dry hair Comments By: Gwen on 2006-01-31
Definetly dry hair. If your hair is wet, nothing gets in. If your hair is wet, you should always towel dry first as with any conditioner. Check your conditioner bottle.
just wanna ask Comments By: katrina on 2006-06-06
sory to ask this but do you need to shampoo and condition your hair afterwards???????ill wait for your answer.....
Awesome!!I Comments By: AKDRMN on 2008-04-15
I love using olive oil, but I use it daily. I put some oil in a spray bottle with some water.. I towel dry my hair & when I am ready to blow dry it I take the towel off, shake up the bottle & spray it on evenly & comb through... Style as usual & you have a beautifully soft hair style for the day!! Try it I think you'll like the result.
AmAziNg Comments By: Faith on 2008-05-31
My Hair has been dry for some time now. I learned about using Olive Oil on the Tyra Show and Looked into it. I've used it once so far and my hair came out softer than its ever been before after blow drying it! LOVE IT! It works for all hair types !
help Comments By: denise on 2008-07-13
so what brand of olive oil and how do i do it? please help i have horrible dry frizzy hair!!
My DRY DRY hair ! Comments By: blush on 2008-11-10
I have a very dry hair.
I used the product LAKME n REDKEN serum But still DRY ! My hair really needs help.
The oil, do we only apply at the scalp or the whole hair ??

dry hair Comments By: kay on 2009-01-17
would it be ok to do it to bleched hair
olive oil is amazing Comments By: emm on 2009-02-17
i had my hair over bleached and then they had to put emi brwn on it and its so so dry u wud not believe - i wet my hair - towel dry it so its just moist and later warmed up oil all over scalip, roots ends etc - i put cling film on and wrap in a towel and sit there all eveing and i lso sleep with it on and wash and cond etc as normal in the morning - i might also buy a spray bottle and use during dy just when needed with it in
Very Impressed!!!! Comments By: anon on 2009-05-09
My blonde hair has been over processed leaving it brittle and straw-like. I saturated my hair with a 1/2 cup of warm (not hot) olive oil in my hair last night. I massaged it into the bad spots. i pulled it up in a shower cap and slept on it. This morning I washed my hair twice and conditioned it and it is like new hair!!! So super soft and silky. I have tried many super pricey products in my day - who knew something in my kitchen would put all of them to shame.
Im guessing you want healthy looking hair Comments By: anon on 2009-07-05
Ive done this before. Put the oil onto ur DRY hair and leave for about an hour, then put loads of shampoo on to absorb it (BUT NO WATER YET), and leave the shampoo on for about an hour... put a little bit more shampoo on again and then wash of off with water. Im guessing you want healthy looking hair, not greasy, and this is how to do t! :)
Awful hair Comments By: Diane on 2009-08-04
I am trying olive oil on my hair for the first time tonight I just hope it works, from all the comments I have read it sounds great, just hope it works for me.
THE BEST! Comments By: connie on 2009-09-01
I tried Extra Virgin Olive oil on my hair only once so far as of this writing. Shampooed twice but used 1 teaspoon of Vinegar in a large glass of water for final rinse. Healthy, full, bouncy non greasy, conditioned air! it is food for the scalp as well.
THIS SUCKS ! Comments By: kayla ! on 2009-10-17
This tip is retarded and does not work ! My hair is more dry and the ends are all over the place, do not do this. My hair is worse than it was to begin with ! ):
Yes, it works! Comments By: Yippeee on 2009-11-29
Sorry to "Sucks" above but luckily it works for all of us. Like they say, apply to DRY hair, you don't need to put it on the roots if it is the dry parts you are targeting. I have long hair. My clown of a hairdresser permed it so I would have lovely long curly locks. WRONG! She has runined the condition and it is still straight. I am using Olive Oil a couple of times per week. Put it on the dry parts (for me, everywhere except my scalp) and sleep in it. So far I have not used a shower cap and the pillows are not ruined. I don't bother with dreching it in shampoo for an hour as suggested above as the oil is very soluble. 2 shampoos and a good conditioner is enough for me and hooray! Lovely hair in good condition. Better than the Protien conditioner she charged me £15 for. Going to get it permed again sooner thanks to this treatment. Try it!
I have been using olive oil Comments By: Mary on 2009-12-14
My hair is very fine and thin..I thought oil of any kind would be impossible to get out and my hair would be greasy and flat..
But it needed some thing and I read about how good olive oil has worked for centuries. And decided It was worth a try..I have it in the kitchen, it's cheap and many expensive creams and lotions are made with it.
So, The excess Olive oil washes out and my hair feels great.
I use a little every night before bed.And sleep with it in my hair.Doesn't make a mess like I thought it would.It sinks into my hair and not my pillow.
I wash my hair daily.
It keeps my hair in good condition.
It's worth a try..It might not work for everyone..But it will work for most every one.
It's been working for centuries ~!

CONFUSSED Comments By: Aimeeeee on 2010-02-09
Right, i have dry frizzy hair and for about 6 months i have been using a small ammount of olive oil on my ends after i wash my hair or (if i straighten my hair) i will wash my hair and leave it in over night. I think it is the miricle product as i hate manufatured products for my hair as it just seems to ruin it. I have found results already but i was wondering if its okay putting it on wet hair as its overnight or if should deffinately be dry and if it should be wet (i havnt) but should condition my hair as well instead of just shampoo?
using olive oil Comments By: carla duffield on 2010-02-15
i am a qualified hairdresser i have always thought olive oil is the best conditioner to use for your hair always apply it to dry hair if you are doing a deep conditioning treatment otherwise if you apply it to wet hair you will not be able to wash it out propperly as water and oil dont mix which means that the water will slide of the hair leaving the olive oil clinging to the hair the way i have always used olive oil is to apply to dry hair if the scalp is dry use it on the scalp too as this will also help to lift dandruff if you suffer from this. leave on as long as you can preferably overnite then when you are ready to wash it out use a good shampoo massage it into the hair well with a good lather, before adding any water. then use water to rinse out the shampoo and the oil, shampoo and lather again then use a good conditioner. another good tip is use a good shampoo and conditioner because there is no point buying an expensive conditioner if you are going to use a cheap shampoo as a conditioner needs a good base to stick to.do not use vinegar as someone said although i do understand it can neutralize the alkaline in some shampoos because you would be pushing up daisies before you got the balance right and also vinegar is said to be used on extremly greasy hair not dry hair.
DOES OLIVE OIL FADE RED HAIR DYE? Comments By: demi on 2010-03-09
i was thinking of using olive oil on my hair as it is very dry and frizzy.. the only thing im worried about is, i have just recently dyed my hair so would the olive oil fade the hair dye or not?
Magic! Comments By: anna on 2010-03-16
i had extremly dry and brittle hair, it was aweful, it never grew because it kept breaking off, so i heated about 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a cup and massaged it into my dry hair, focusing on my roots, i wore a plastic cap and left in over night. the results were incredible nothing in my life has worked better for me, my hair is all soft with no breakage, and growing faster beacuse its so healthy now
Hmmm...Wait it out Comments By: Anon O. Mouse on 2010-03-17
I dipped my hair completely in oil then let it sit for about an hour and a half. Then I let only shampoo sit for about twenty minutes. The oil washed out easily after a couple rinses, though my hair isn't considerably corrected and still smells. Its very damaged from bleaching it though, so next time I'll try overnight. I just wanted to say that it's not worth trying for just a little while; you might as well wait it out and hopefully that works a lot better.
???? Comments By: super dry hair on 2010-05-07
How much olive oil do you put on your hair?
i havent tryed it yet but....... Comments By: wendy on 2010-05-08
what kind of olive oil do u use can it be cooking olive oil or a speical one desighned for ur hair plesse reply cos i really want to try it
Love it! Comments By: Gabi on 2010-05-26
This stuff is amazing, It left my hair soft shiny and bouncy. It didnt look greasy or stringy just healthy and beautful. This is deffinaetly going to be a weekly thing for me
Not For me Comments By: Simone on 2010-06-06
I agree with Kayla. I dont think my hair takes to things like that. Ive tried olive oil 3 times, coconut oil, real mayo, egg, and a combo of them all with honey and conditioner (not all of them on the same day of course), then rinsed with light shampoo. my hair was even drier and really hard. WAAAAY worse than usual. I have shoulder length 3c curls that are super thick (like as big as a basketball when dry with little product)
guys point of view Comments By: Anthony on 2010-06-17
well i am losing my hair from genetics and i started using olive oil as a conditioner and a shampoo as well, i just spend the extra time to rinse it out thoroughly. If my hair is clean but a lil dry i skip the shampoo and just wash my hair with olive oil, and as long as i rinse thoroughly it is never greasy, i have too lil of hair to soak it over night but it has been working great and my scalp is not so itchy during the day as well. i will have to try to apply it with dry hair i havent done that. we will see how that works.
Trying it out!!! Comments By: Jennifer on 2010-07-09
Went to the hair dresser today. Was told my natural 4b hair was brittle. going to try olive oil to see how it works. Cant hurt to try.
have tried this before Comments By: ggiiaa on 2010-07-22
Olive oil acts as a mediocre moisturizer. Mayonnaise works better! As in way WAY BETTER!
IT REALLY DOES WORK! Comments By: Ggiiaa on 2010-07-27
I tried this! I let the olive oil stay on my hair overnight. Then I shampooed my hair plus conditioner. VOILA! Newly hot oiled hair!
Since I have extra dry and frizzy hair, I'm gonna do this everyday! :D

olive oil on newly dyed hair Comments By: sharon on 2010-08-30
Ive just dyed my hair looks good but feeling a bit dry,can i put olive oil on it the same day as dying it, or how long before i can. thanx
very dry, damaged hair Comments By: Tasha on 2010-09-03
I have heard extremely good things about the effects of olive oil on hair. I am a black female with very dry and damaged hair from perms and every day damage like curling and flat ironing, and I was wondering if this treatment would help my hair.
Conditioner?? Comments By: Mia on 2010-09-12
Do we need to use conditioner when we wash our hair after oil usage?
Your hair doesn't have to smell bad! Comments By: Andrea Heather on 2010-09-12
What I've found that I love is 'Palmer's Olive Oil Formula' w/ vitamin E. It's organic w/ extra virgin olive oil, Plus it smells awesome. I was looking @ the hair dyes etc and came across this in the hair section of Walmart. Acually its supposed to be for Women of color cuz that's where I found it but WOW, there's a bunch of beautiful products there TOO!!!
Trying 2nite Comments By: Shell on 2010-09-20
I hv extremely bad breakage and hair loss from too many colours...I have bleached my hair numerous times this year and in the last month dyed my hair black over the white blonde! So you can imagine the damage I hv caused. I am quite distressed as the bathroom floor is covered in broken hair :( I thought y not try olive oil...it worked for the Italian women :) Let u know how it goes.
You all Must Try Comments By: Anon on 2010-09-23
I'm african american and I have natural hair but I straighten it but my ends were always splitting even when i didnt' use heat on it :( Butttt then my new hairdresser suggested some Olive Oil on my ends I bought some at a high grade Grocery Store. It is great I only needed a little and my hair looks and feels fab you must try!!!!
CRUNCHY HAIR!!! Comments By: Abby on 2010-10-29
I Tried olive oil and it made my hair CRUNCHY. Much worse. It dried my hair out. IK.....this is an old wives tale, please don't do this.
I'M CURRENTLY USING IT NOW..AMAZING Comments By: Misz. Fancy on 2010-11-09
My hair has been in and out of weaves since I'm been in the 9th grade. I am currently a sophmore in college and now..I'm au nautral baby!!! I use olive oil the day before I get my hair done (once a week) and my hair looks and feels incredible! It works for me ;)
Extremely dry hair Comments By: joanna on 2010-11-13
My hair is very dry and nappy and the only way it become soft and manageable after washing is when I use the olive oil on the wet hair. If the hair is dry the oil does nothing for me.
Gray hair Comments By: Lishan on 2010-11-18
I need to know realy olive oil make the hair gray?please give your answer please.
I think it just depends on the hair Comments By: Lindsey on 2010-12-05
I think it just depends on the hair. If you have hair that is oily then its not for you. For dry hair it works wonders! EVOO the best!
Olive oil & red hair dye Comments By: Aradikai on 2010-11-21
You can make an easy olive oil conditioner by simple using olive oil on your hair prior to shampooing. If you have auburn or brunette hair, you can add cloves for a color-conditioning as well as a boost of warming fragrance. Here’s how:

Warm 1/2 cup olive oil in a small pan, and add 2 tablespoons ground cloves. Heat until hot but not boiling, and remove from heat. Let sit for at least 3 hours, or overnight, and then strain into a small jar or bottle.

I recently tried this on my fried (now bright red hair). It worked like a charm! The link below was tremendous help!

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/clove-and-olive-oil-hair-conditioner.html#ixzz15vqwAEC0

MIRACLE! best two pound i have ever spent! Comments By: rosie jane on 2011-01-13
I have bleach blonde really long hair that breaks easy as I bleach it often and since I have been using olive oil its never been in better condition I used to spend 4O pound every two to three weeks on morocon ol that was no where near as succsessful as this! Its amazing I don't know why I didn't think of. This sooner its natural and not made up of any man made conpoments its amazing girls you have to give it a go. !!
MIRACLE! Comments By: rosie jane on 2011-01-13
I have really longe pltinum blonde hair to get itreally blonde i have to have it bleached every four weks this often leaves my hair in ppor condition! for years i used to buy morocon oil to try and save my poorly hair every two to three weeks i wasspening fourty pound on this rubbish a time and found that it effect would not last and would make my hair feel really greesy and heavy i have been using oliv oil for about a year now and it is wonderfull!i started off just soaking my air in it once a week but now every nght before i go to be i pour a good amount of olive oli into a bowl add a beaten egg and soe my ntire hedand hair in it root to tip wrap my hair in clinfilm and ah in h morning my hair is soft and silky and in the best condition ever its always shiny! best thing EVER!
1/4 of olive oil for dry hair works great! Comments By: Trish on 2011-01-22
I just got done doing my hair with the olive oil. I have natural curly, color treated hair that I straighten with a flat iron on occassion.

I warmed 1/4 cup of virgin olive oil and put it on my hair, wrapped my hair in glad wrap (my husband laughed his head off) I left this on for 3 hours. I just got out of the shower and my hair feels great! I love it. For some more old fashioned home remedies visit my site at http://www.herbalsunlimited.com there you will find the W.T. Rawleigh Products that have been around since 1889. None for the hair thou. Thanks for the olive oil tip!

For the ones that didnt worked for... Comments By: sofia on 2011-02-15
You are doing it wrong, if its dryer than before means you are not using a good shampoo to clean your hair, or your not putting enough oil,maybe just try few drops to leave in for a few days but no sun in the meantime or you are using low quality ´olive´ oil meaning its not the real thing, best would be made in Italy extra virgin oil, I recommend not put on scalp if you are leaving during night because you will put on roots and it will get to your scalp, if you put directly to scalp you may clog your pores which is bad even for one night if your losing hair, this is the best thing ever, the only hair product similar to results with olive oil is Kerastase leave in Night mask(purple package) and its very expensive...
straightening after oil treatment? Comments By: anon on 2011-02-24
i want to try this method but i have very messy wavy hair and i need to straighten everyday... i want to know if you can do this the day before and straighten your hair next morning.. i really want to try this method because my hair is dry but i don't want to burn my hair straightening it. thanks
Help? Bald spots. Comments By: Kc on 2011-03-06
So far, I see great comments about this.
I don't have olive oil, but I will get some later. I want to try this for my bald spots. I hope this works good on me..

Gonna give it a try Comments By: Colleen on 2011-03-07
Im over bleached, processed, irritated.. Past two times had my hair totally goofed, last visit scalp was burnt soo bad i had blisters and now scabs. Im gonna give the olive oil a try...pray for me...MY HAIR IS SOO GROSS!
Olive Oil....Grandma Knows Best Comments By: Roxie on 2011-03-15
The old home aides are truly some of the best. I've got a ton of thick, very dry hair that has a lot of potential. I started using Olive Oil in my hair two weeks ago (every other day - after I work out and wash my hair). My hair has become more manageable and has a wonderful shine to it.
Wish Me Luck Comments By: Lisa Campbell on 2011-03-18
So depressed, looked in the mirror and felt like shaving my head my hair is so brittle and damaged from over colouring, in a moment of despair i saw this blog and here i am sat with Olive oil on my head...... i have been given hope and some how i am feeling more positive.. Will Let you know in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! X
THERE IS SOME IMPROVEMENT Comments By: Lisa Campbell on 2011-03-19
I tried this like i said i would i do feel that there is slight improvement, will continue to keep using it at bed time i think it will be something that i see a difference with over time do feel there has been some change x
Leave-in conditioner Comments By: MoMo Fufutarp on 2011-03-30
After washing my hair, I use a very small amount as a leave in conditioner. It leaves my hair silky and manageable!
awesome!! Comments By: Asmaa on 2011-04-01
I have a wavy and dry hair (from straight ironing it twice a week), and the weather in here is extremely hot and dry, So i tried it 2days ago and my hair was simply AWESOME!! it's so shiney and silky, not to mention, more manageable. today I will leave it on overnight (last time left it for 1 hour).
and I'm really hoping that it will make my hair longer. I will be using it twice a week :)
and my mother and sister tried mayonnaise and I didn't see an improvement at all, besides, it smells really bad.

research-oils Comments By: joy on 2011-04-02
I was looking on the internet and was informed that olive oil and other certain oils can eventually straighten curly hair-it's important to research "oils" for the desired purpose of your look-you can use a shea butter deep treatment masque for your hair to get the same results as olive oil without the straightening aspect.
warning!! Comments By: laura on 2011-04-03
if ou do use a plastik bag to keep the heat in do not fall asleep with the bag on sorry to scare you but it could end up on your face and you know the next bit be very careful if you do want to go to sleep woith it on try foil:) other than that its a very good home remdy for dry dull hair :)
Soft hair and lighter hair Comments By: Alyssa on 2011-04-10
I have heard that olive oil with tea makes your hair lighter so dont do that if you dont want you hair lighter!!!! I want mine lighter and not dry so this works very well!!!
Trying it right now :) Comments By: Julie on 2011-04-10
Trying it right now ! hope this works, i have heard mostly positive results hope myn turns out that way to ! i have really dry damaged hair and it grows EXTREMELY SLOW! i straighten my hair like 4 times every week. i hope this works !!
The best my hair has looked in a long time!! Comments By: No more ulgy hair Sarah on 2011-04-15
Amazing!!!!! What more can I say. I left the oil in for 2 hours, washed it out with baby shampoo, conditioned and wow I love it. My hair has never felt this soft since before I started dying it. Best conditioner and very affordable.....
Really worked! Comments By: Mandi on 2011-05-26
I have been bleaching and heat styling my hair for many years. I have tried expensive products and drugstore ones. My hair is dry and clearly lacking oil so I thought if try this. I put about an 8th cup warmed olive oil throughout my dry hair at 4pm yesterday and washed it out this morning twice with shampoo and then conditioner. It is super shiny and soft! I'm very happy with the results.
it worked amazing!!my hair is hair again ;) Comments By: kitcook on 2011-06-02
left olive oil on for about 3 hours. shampoo twice. regular conditioner and my hair is almost normal... and considering I bleached it from black.. that's amazing.. it was coming off an I ch at a time I I pulled it when it was wet!! gonna keep this up for sure.. and its not greasy at all.
olive hair after hair rebonding Comments By: lea on 2011-06-08
My hair looks so dry but straight after rebonding, looks so dull. After 4 days of rebonding, I decided to use extra virgin olive for my hair and stay it overnight. When I washed my hair, it feel so soft and really shining!! Im very happy!! God is Great! Olive oil is great.
WOW ! Comments By: Jaime on 2011-06-21
I'm not sure if i should try this because, well i want to try it but i saw 2 comments about gray hairs and I'm 17 and not ready for gray hairs lol. But yes, i want to try this... Should i?
Massive improvement on the mess that was my hair Comments By: Alex on 2011-07-02
I just had my hair bleached a few days ago and it's been dry and frizzy since- like someone left straighteners on it for far too long.

The olive oil thing has made a massive improvement. The frizziness has gone (although it's still kinda dry and it's super greasy at the ends even though I've washed it).

I'm going to try doing it again tonight and see if it gets better again.

I applied about 100ml to my long, thick hair when it was dry and left it on overnight.

olive oil Comments By: anu on 2011-07-11
cant i apply olive oil on my hair n keep it for 48 hours dats two days....n den wash it
Nomnom... ? Comments By: Ilovebacon on 2011-08-02
I have done everything just waiting for mah hair to dry!!! I so hope It works!!! <3 !!!
Why its not working Comments By: Tay on 2011-09-17
I bleached my hair and it was extremely damaged to the point where people were pointing it out , i started using olive oil at nights , i applied to my dry hair and left in over night , in the morning i have my usual shower ( shampoo and conditioner ) and my hair feels much better ! It does make your hair crunchy if you do not wash it out though! You can also buy olive oil shampoos and conditioners like i have hehe hope this helped
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