Are you sure about gelatin??
Comments By:
Lindsay on 2004-08-19
I have been researching on the internet all morning on how to strengthen my nails. I have found in many different sites, mostly sites that give a doctor's proffesional opinion, that gelatin infact does not help strengthen nails. I could be wrong, but I just wanted to let you know so you can be sure for yourself.
Comments By:
LaRiSsA on 2004-10-03
nope, gelatine DOES NOT help nails grow, no matter how many time syour mother has told you this, it does NOT work, the only thing you can drink or eat to help nails grow is milk.
Nail Strength
Comments By:
Derty on 2005-06-15
I've heard certain human male liquids help nails grow strong and fast.
TipKing say: Hmmmmm, I am sure there are better ways
Brittle nails
Comments By:
Barbara Watson on 2009-03-10
I have found that gelatine does improve brittle nails in the older person but I would like an alternative to sweetened jellies which are very high in calories
Comments By:
Misha on 2009-09-09
I heard jello and milk and orange juice works! It takes a bit if U drink very little but eat a lot of jello And they grow like crazy! in like 2-3 weeks ur nails should be as long as fake nails
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