Home : Beauty tips : Jewelry : Cleaning jewelry : Windex and water

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Jewelry Windex and water

Submitted by Melissa

Sometimes jewelry cleaner is nowhere to be found. When I need to clean my silver, gold, diamonds (no delicate gems!) I mix a bit of windex and water and let them soak for about 10 minutes. (too long could turn them blue, which is reversible but also avoidable) Also, I like to use those new spinning toothbrushes (you can pick them up in a drugstore for about $7, so get all the soap and gunk out of the rings...It makes them SPARKLE!!

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Windex for cleaning jewelry Comments By: Terri on 2008-01-12
It was my jewelers who told me to use windex for cleaning my gold, diamonds, silver. It works! Makes my everything sparkle/shine like new!
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