Home : Rugs - Household tips and hints about rugs

Rugs - Household tips and hints about rugs

Submitted by Richard

To keep a rug in place on a polished floor and stop it from sliding around, put a rubber mat under it.

To make a small rug lie flat, paint some lacquer on the underside. When dry, wipe with a mild solution of laundry starch; leave to dry before using.

Prevent rag rugs from curling up at the edges by rinsing them in a mild solution of starch and water.

To wash cotton colourfast rugs, place them in the bath with warm soapy water and scrub with a broom. Use a long-handled plunger to stir the water.

Wool rugs are best cleaned with a sponge and soapy water. Test the back first, in case the colours run. If they do, take the rug to a specialist cleaner.

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