Home : Use stuff : Unusual uses : Citrus fruit rind

Here are a host of unusual, uncommon and different uses for Citrus fruit rind

 Air freshener
 If you eat lots of oranges, grapefruits or using limes here is what ...

 Aromatic bags
 Put small string bags filled with orange or lemon peel in drawers and ...

 Bird feeder
 Place a suet-birdseed mixture in an empty orange or grapefruit half; ...

 Cat deterrant
 Leave citrus rind around garden plants and it will deter cats from ...

 Cutting board freshener
 Rub a lemon rind over your cutting board to clean and deodorize it.

 Fireplace freshener
 Add some dried citrus rinds to the fire as they burn they will give ...

 Nail grooming
 Press nail tips into the pithy side of a lemon rind to clean them ...

 Orange peel for acne
 Grind some orange peel with water to a paste and apply on the face, ...

 Add rinds to simmering cinnamon and cloves to fill your home with a ...

 Saucepan cleaner
 Clean a blackened aluminum saucepan by boiling water and citrus rinds ...

 Tea flavoring
 Add citrus peel to tea leaves while they're brewing, or put several ...

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