Here are a host of unusual, uncommon and different uses for Baking soda (Bicarbonate of soda)
Dishwasher deodorant
If you use your dishwasher less than once a day, toss a handful of ...
Dog shampoo
To add softness and lustre to your pet’s coat, put 2 tablespoons ...
Dry bath the dog
Sprinkle Baking Soda into the dog's coat, rub it in well, then give ...
Furniture cleaner
To take marks off white painted furniture, wash it down with a ...
Grill scourer
To remove grease and encrusted food from grill and oven racks, soak ...
Skin soother
For sunburn and overheated or irritated skin, add a handful of ...
Stain remover
Clean stained white socks by rubbing them with a paste of bicarbonate ...
Teapot cleaner
Clean the inside of a teapot stained with tannin by rubbing it with a ...
Wallpaper washer
Remove resistant smudges from washable wallpaper by rubbing them with ...
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