Home : Cleaning : Cleaner home tips : Price labels

When buying items for your home or office, often you are left with unsightly tags and stickers that you want to take off. Here are a few ideas that you can use to get stickers off of some items:

 Adhesive Remover edible cooking oil
 There are commercial adhesive removers that can take off the gum from ...

 Glue marks, Glue residue left by price labels
 To remove messy glue residue left by price labels on things like CD ...

 Gum Removal with a product called D-Solv-It
 Spray gum with a product called D-Solv-It (available at Wal-Mart). ...

 Gummy lables
 My tip is about gummy lables. To remove sticky gummy labels use ...

 Label or a price tag remove the sticky mess
 If you are trying to remove the sticky stuff left behind from a label ...

 Nail polish remover will remove sticky price tags
 A little nail polish remover can quickly remove the residue from ...

 Remove price sticker glue from metal items
 To remove price sticker glue from metal items use baby oil on the ...

 Remove stickers on books and papers
 Stickers on books and papers will usually peel right off, sometimes ...

 Remove stickers on tubs, sinks, faucets
 Stickers on tubs, sinks, faucets and similar items can be soaked in ...

 Removing price stickers from glass
 Use rubbing alcohol on the sticker. It comes right off.

 Removing price stickers from glass or some plastics
 Removing price stickers from glass or some plastics. Put peanut ...

 Removing sticker residue
 Spray area with WD-40 wipe off. This is great for refrigerators and ...

 Skin-so-soft removes decal gum & tree sap from your car

 Sticker on a window, glass, or picture frame
 When you have a sticker on a window, glass, or picture frame, you can ...

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